Three Hard Water Questions Answered

There are many factors and issues that a homeowner will have to address over the course of living in their house. Issues with the quality of the water that flows into the house can be one of the more routinely encountered issues that will need to be handled. Hard water is an issue that can greatly influence the quality of your home's water, and you will need to know some important pieces of information about this common issue. Read More 

Four Dos And Don’ts When Choosing A Birdhouse For Your Garden Decor

A decorative birdhouse adds a whimsical charm to any garden, but it's important to consider a few factors whether you are choosing one or several birdhouses. For the safety of your wild feathered friends and for long lasting functionality, choose your birdhouse or nesting box carefully. If you're a first time buyer, here are a few dos and don'ts you might want to consider: 1. DO Check the Hardware on the Birdhouse Read More 

Controlling Weeds in Your Yard Without Chemicals: Tools You Need

There are a few reasons why you may not want to use chemicals for weed control in your yard. Perhaps you don't want to expose your pets or children to potentially dangerous toxins, or you plan on having a more environmental approach to pesky weeds, such as dandelions, crab grass, and thistles. The best way to take care of unwanted plants in your yard is to have an excellent defense already in mind and have the tools and supplies you need to get rid of them before they make a huge problem. Read More 

How To Evict Bed Bugs From Your Home

Even if your home is meticulously clean, there are still a few ways that bed bugs can enter it. One way the pesky insects can get into your house is by hitching a ride on a used mattress. If you aren't able to purchase a new one, make sure that the used one you are buying is bed bug-free before bringing it into your home. Another way bed bugs can enter your house is through infected bedding. Read More 

4 Smart Strategies For Protecting Home Interiors From Damaging UV Rays

If you're like most homeowners, you want your furniture, wall art, paint, and flooring to remain in the best possible shape for as long as possible. One of the best ways to preserve home interiors is to ensure that damaging UV rays are kept at a minimum. However, no one wants to live in a darkened cave, which is why homes have windows. Following are four smart strategies designed to keep harmful UV rays from prematurely fading or discoloring your furnishings, floor, and art. Read More