If you're in the process of planning your new pool house, don't forget about the AV system. You may not think your pool house needs an AV system, but that's not the case. Even if you have an AV system inside your home, it might not be enough for your pool house. For maximum enjoyment, you want your new pool house to be fully-equipped with the latest technology. Here are just four of the benefits you'll enjoy when you get an audio visual installation in your pool house.
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A pool screen is essential when you want to enjoy your pool and be free from insects or if you want an enclosed space to keep your pets while allowing them to enjoy the outdoors. Pool screens can last for many years, but they can also be damaged by a storm or wildlife. Here's a look at how to repair damage to your screen so bugs can't get inside and bother you.
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Small changes can significantly reduce the carbon footprint- and the toll on the environment- that your household leaves behind. Do something that helps foster habits in children and focus on being kinder to the environment whenever you can and know that generations of your family will enjoy this world for years to come.
Six simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint are:
1. Use Eco-Friendly Tumblers
Save on the environment by reusing cups and tumblers rather than use paper or plastic that could end up in a landfill.
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If you have a family member or friend who has a bar in his or her home, one of the fun things on your to-do list might be to buy this person a few items for the bar. You can often find what you need at a local kitchen supply store, but it can be more enjoyable to shop for specific items that really give the bar area a custom feel.
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Wind has a strange way of invoking both pleasure and panic. The air whistling softly as the breeze blows through can be relaxing and tranquil, but, on the other hand, when it's coming at you with force, it can leave a path of destruction behind. Now is the time to protect everything you've worked so hard for ahead of time, before a hurricane or tropical storm warning. While you don't have to put these plans into action immediately, it's good to be ready when the time comes.
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