Make It Easier For Visitors To Find Your House

People rely on addresses to find the locations they're looking for, and many people enlist the help of GPS in the process. However, people still need to be able to visually find the place once their GPS device tells them they've arrived. You don't want to frustrate guests when they're looking for your house. Make your home easy to find by using these four tips: 1. Invest in backlit LED address numbers. Read More 

How To Find The Right Stone Without Getting Distracted By Variety

The paradox of choice is a relatively well-known phenomenon in which the amount of variety can make it harder for you to make a final decision. A commonly used example is what you feel when you stare down a wall of cereal brands at the grocery store; you can feel like you have no idea what to choose because there is just too much, instead of finding decisions to be easier because you supposedly have more options. Read More 

Pros And Cons Of Adding A Urinal To Your Basement Bathroom

If you're planning to remodel the bathroom in your basement — perhaps to make it more suitable for your weekly gatherings to watch football with your friends — there are several elements to think about. One idea that can definitely gets peoples' attention is a urinal. Most homes, of course, don't have urinals — but it's a safe bet that your male guests will appreciate its presence when you unveil the new bathroom. Read More 

How To Choose The Right Stone Finish For Your Home Improvement Project

Natural stone can lend an elegant and stately look to your home. The way that stone is finished can have a direct impact on the mood, practicality, and aesthetic of your project. There are many finishes to choose from when working with a stone supplier, so you must be prepared to narrow your options to the perfect finish for your home improvement project. 1. Stone Accents If you are planning to use natural stone as an accent feature in your home, then you will want to showcase the beauty of the stone you have selected. Read More 

Hot Water Heaters: Common Problems That Can Be Fixed

If you're like most homeowners, you probably use your home's hot water heater multiple times a day. Hot water is needed for showering, washing dishes, and doing laundry, just to name a few things. While you may not think about your hot water heater very often, you're sure to notice when something is wrong pretty quickly. When you're experiencing problems with your hot water heater, it is natural to worry and assume that your water heater needs to be replaced, which can be quite expensive. Read More